Latest Fact-checks by Alex Wilts Texas Organizing Project stated on March 5, 2015 in a press release: "The unemployment rate among blacks in Texas is 9.5% -- far more than double white unemployment -- and wages have fallen for black workers in Texas since 2000." Tim Cook stated on March 29, 2015 in an oped column: "Legislation being considered in Texas would strip the salaries and pensions of clerks who issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples — even if the Supreme Court strikes down Texas’ marriage ban later this year." Jerry Falwell Jr. stated on March 23, 2015 in a speech introducing Ted Cruz at Liberty University: Ted Cruz was "the longest-serving solicitor general in the history of Texas." Rick Perry stated on February 27, 2015 in a web ad: "At this particular point in time, looking at the field, there’s only one individual that’s ever had the uniform of his country on—and that’s me." Dave Claunch stated on January 14, 2015 in a meeting of the West Lake Hills City Council: "Austin has more lobbyists working for it than any other municipality in Texas." Ted Cruz stated on January 20, 2015 in an interview with Fox News: "Today the top 1 percent earn a higher share of our national income than any year since 1928."
Texas Organizing Project stated on March 5, 2015 in a press release: "The unemployment rate among blacks in Texas is 9.5% -- far more than double white unemployment -- and wages have fallen for black workers in Texas since 2000." Tim Cook stated on March 29, 2015 in an oped column: "Legislation being considered in Texas would strip the salaries and pensions of clerks who issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples — even if the Supreme Court strikes down Texas’ marriage ban later this year." Jerry Falwell Jr. stated on March 23, 2015 in a speech introducing Ted Cruz at Liberty University: Ted Cruz was "the longest-serving solicitor general in the history of Texas." Rick Perry stated on February 27, 2015 in a web ad: "At this particular point in time, looking at the field, there’s only one individual that’s ever had the uniform of his country on—and that’s me." Dave Claunch stated on January 14, 2015 in a meeting of the West Lake Hills City Council: "Austin has more lobbyists working for it than any other municipality in Texas." Ted Cruz stated on January 20, 2015 in an interview with Fox News: "Today the top 1 percent earn a higher share of our national income than any year since 1928."
Texas Organizing Project stated on March 5, 2015 in a press release: "The unemployment rate among blacks in Texas is 9.5% -- far more than double white unemployment -- and wages have fallen for black workers in Texas since 2000."
Tim Cook stated on March 29, 2015 in an oped column: "Legislation being considered in Texas would strip the salaries and pensions of clerks who issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples — even if the Supreme Court strikes down Texas’ marriage ban later this year."
Jerry Falwell Jr. stated on March 23, 2015 in a speech introducing Ted Cruz at Liberty University: Ted Cruz was "the longest-serving solicitor general in the history of Texas."
Rick Perry stated on February 27, 2015 in a web ad: "At this particular point in time, looking at the field, there’s only one individual that’s ever had the uniform of his country on—and that’s me."
Dave Claunch stated on January 14, 2015 in a meeting of the West Lake Hills City Council: "Austin has more lobbyists working for it than any other municipality in Texas."
Ted Cruz stated on January 20, 2015 in an interview with Fox News: "Today the top 1 percent earn a higher share of our national income than any year since 1928."