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By Kelly Dyer November 12, 2012

No evidence that Global Energy Corps has seen the light of day

Obama promised that his creation of the Global Energy Corps, would help promote clean energy projects abroad, especially in developing nations, with the help of "older individuals such as teachers, engineers, and doctors."  

This is not to be confused with Obama's new AmeriCorps program called the Clean Energy Corps which encourages youth to participate in weatherizing events. The Global Energy Corps specifically mentioned older individuals.

Our searches on Google, Nexis and the White House website turned up no evidence of a specific "Global Energy Corps." We also contacted AmeriCorps, the Peace Corps and the White House, but none provided evidence that the program had been created.

Because we found no evidence to support the creation of a Global Energy Corps, we have moved this to Promise Broken.

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By Catharine Richert January 14, 2010

No sign of a Global Energy Corps

During the campaign, President Barack Obama promised a global energy corps, a cadre of teachers, scientists, engineers and doctors that would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries.
The program was proposed as part of Obama's plan to beef up public service efforts in the United States.
We did numerous Google and Nexis searches and scoured the White House Web site for information about such a program and didn't turn up anything. We also inquired with the White House and never heard back.
Obama did create a Clean Energy Corps as part of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act passed in April 2009. But the program -- which will teach youths to weatherize homes, do energy audits and install solar panels among other things -- will function domestically, not internationally.
So, it appears Obama hasn't made headway on the issue. For now, we'll rate this promise Stalled.

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