Latest Promises Joe Biden Repeal Hyde Amendment Joe Biden Help state and local governments prevent budget shortfalls Joe Biden Restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood Donald Trump End the defense sequester Donald Trump Make no cuts to Social Security Donald Trump Make no cuts to Medicaid Donald Trump Add additional federal investment of $20 billion toward School Choice Donald Trump Adopt the penny plan Donald Trump Dramatically scale back the U.S. Education Department Donald Trump Eliminate wasteful spending in every department Donald Trump Take no salary Donald Trump Administer Medicaid through block grants Donald Trump Balance the federal budget 'fairly quickly' Barack Obama Cut another $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion in spending Barack Obama Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps Barack Obama Include humanitarian international missions in long-term budgeting Barack Obama Modernize ships and invest more in small vessels Barack Obama Support wetlands protection Barack Obama Double U.S. spending on foreign aid to $50 billion a year by 2012 Barack Obama Create a system of incentives and penalties for defense contracts Barack Obama Fund proposals to help fish and game survive climate change Barack Obama Increase non-military aid to Afghanistan by $1 billion Barack Obama Increase funding for progams that conserve lands, habitat for species like Osceola turkey Barack Obama Increase special operations forces and civil affairs
Joe Biden Repeal Hyde Amendment Joe Biden Help state and local governments prevent budget shortfalls Joe Biden Restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood Donald Trump End the defense sequester Donald Trump Make no cuts to Social Security Donald Trump Make no cuts to Medicaid Donald Trump Add additional federal investment of $20 billion toward School Choice Donald Trump Adopt the penny plan Donald Trump Dramatically scale back the U.S. Education Department Donald Trump Eliminate wasteful spending in every department Donald Trump Take no salary Donald Trump Administer Medicaid through block grants Donald Trump Balance the federal budget 'fairly quickly' Barack Obama Cut another $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion in spending Barack Obama Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps Barack Obama Include humanitarian international missions in long-term budgeting Barack Obama Modernize ships and invest more in small vessels Barack Obama Support wetlands protection Barack Obama Double U.S. spending on foreign aid to $50 billion a year by 2012 Barack Obama Create a system of incentives and penalties for defense contracts Barack Obama Fund proposals to help fish and game survive climate change Barack Obama Increase non-military aid to Afghanistan by $1 billion Barack Obama Increase funding for progams that conserve lands, habitat for species like Osceola turkey Barack Obama Increase special operations forces and civil affairs
Barack Obama Increase funding for progams that conserve lands, habitat for species like Osceola turkey