Latest Fact-checksRush Limbaugh Liberals Are Cool stated on March 17, 2013 in an Internet meme: "Q: What do these ‘Patriotic' Americans have in common? A: They are all Draft Dodgers." Mark Strama stated on September 5, 2012 in remarks to Texas delegates to the Democratic National Convention.: Says Rush Limbaugh made it clear he’d rather see the country fail than President Barack Obama succeed.
Liberals Are Cool stated on March 17, 2013 in an Internet meme: "Q: What do these ‘Patriotic' Americans have in common? A: They are all Draft Dodgers." Mark Strama stated on September 5, 2012 in remarks to Texas delegates to the Democratic National Convention.: Says Rush Limbaugh made it clear he’d rather see the country fail than President Barack Obama succeed.
Liberals Are Cool stated on March 17, 2013 in an Internet meme: "Q: What do these ‘Patriotic' Americans have in common? A: They are all Draft Dodgers."
Mark Strama stated on September 5, 2012 in remarks to Texas delegates to the Democratic National Convention.: Says Rush Limbaugh made it clear he’d rather see the country fail than President Barack Obama succeed.