Latest Pants on Fire! Fact-checks on Ellen Troxclair Ellen Troxclair stated on April 10, 2016 in a voter forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Austin Area: Statistics show "you are about nine times more likely to be assaulted by a taxi driver" in Austin than a driver for a ride-hailing service.
Ellen Troxclair stated on April 10, 2016 in a voter forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Austin Area: Statistics show "you are about nine times more likely to be assaulted by a taxi driver" in Austin than a driver for a ride-hailing service.
Ellen Troxclair stated on April 10, 2016 in a voter forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Austin Area: Statistics show "you are about nine times more likely to be assaulted by a taxi driver" in Austin than a driver for a ride-hailing service.