Latest False Fact-checks on David Mellon David Mellon stated on October 27, 2011 in testimony at a state pension hearing: "The job [of correctional officer] lowers your life expectancy . . . Metropolitan did a study in, I believe it was 1998, and the life expectancy was 58."
David Mellon stated on October 27, 2011 in testimony at a state pension hearing: "The job [of correctional officer] lowers your life expectancy . . . Metropolitan did a study in, I believe it was 1998, and the life expectancy was 58."
David Mellon stated on October 27, 2011 in testimony at a state pension hearing: "The job [of correctional officer] lowers your life expectancy . . . Metropolitan did a study in, I believe it was 1998, and the life expectancy was 58."