Latest Half-True Fact-checks in Recreation Glenn Hegar stated on June 24, 2015 in a tweet: "Texas still owns all of its public lands. If the federal gov't wants to create a park, they must ask permission!" Friends of India Point Park stated on October 31, 2014 in a web site: "Proximity to high-voltage power lines lowers property values by as much as 30 percent." Jack Reed stated on February 27, 2013 in a speech: "Even Roger Williams National Memorial in my home state of Rhode Island attracted nearly 51,000 visitors in 2011, with non local visitors adding more than $3.2 million to the local economy." Jim Sullivan stated on January 31, 2011 in a meeting with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors: "We currently have one guy who is in charge of painting the entire Milwaukee County parks system."
Glenn Hegar stated on June 24, 2015 in a tweet: "Texas still owns all of its public lands. If the federal gov't wants to create a park, they must ask permission!" Friends of India Point Park stated on October 31, 2014 in a web site: "Proximity to high-voltage power lines lowers property values by as much as 30 percent." Jack Reed stated on February 27, 2013 in a speech: "Even Roger Williams National Memorial in my home state of Rhode Island attracted nearly 51,000 visitors in 2011, with non local visitors adding more than $3.2 million to the local economy." Jim Sullivan stated on January 31, 2011 in a meeting with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors: "We currently have one guy who is in charge of painting the entire Milwaukee County parks system."
Glenn Hegar stated on June 24, 2015 in a tweet: "Texas still owns all of its public lands. If the federal gov't wants to create a park, they must ask permission!"
Friends of India Point Park stated on October 31, 2014 in a web site: "Proximity to high-voltage power lines lowers property values by as much as 30 percent."
Jack Reed stated on February 27, 2013 in a speech: "Even Roger Williams National Memorial in my home state of Rhode Island attracted nearly 51,000 visitors in 2011, with non local visitors adding more than $3.2 million to the local economy."
Jim Sullivan stated on January 31, 2011 in a meeting with Journal Sentinel reporters and editors: "We currently have one guy who is in charge of painting the entire Milwaukee County parks system."