Latest Pants on Fire! Fact-checks in Pensions Lisa Baldelli-Hunt stated on November 17, 2011 in a General Assembly debate on pension overhaul: "Eighty-five percent . . . of Rhode Island tax returns that were filed for the year 2010 . . . were from individuals who earned $30,000 or less."
Lisa Baldelli-Hunt stated on November 17, 2011 in a General Assembly debate on pension overhaul: "Eighty-five percent . . . of Rhode Island tax returns that were filed for the year 2010 . . . were from individuals who earned $30,000 or less."
Lisa Baldelli-Hunt stated on November 17, 2011 in a General Assembly debate on pension overhaul: "Eighty-five percent . . . of Rhode Island tax returns that were filed for the year 2010 . . . were from individuals who earned $30,000 or less."