Latest Promises Tony Evers Repeal changes made to prevailing wage laws Tony Evers Prohibit businesses from asking applicants about criminal histories Tony Evers Raise minimum wage to $15 an hour, with automatic inflationary increases Tony Evers Support ending solitary confinement Tony Evers Expand background checks and put in place gun restrictions Tony Evers Dissolve and replace state economic development agency Tony Evers Create an Office of Inspector General to serve as an independent watchdog Tony Evers Raise no taxes Tony Evers Accept federal Medicaid expansion money
Tony Evers Repeal changes made to prevailing wage laws Tony Evers Prohibit businesses from asking applicants about criminal histories Tony Evers Raise minimum wage to $15 an hour, with automatic inflationary increases Tony Evers Support ending solitary confinement Tony Evers Expand background checks and put in place gun restrictions Tony Evers Dissolve and replace state economic development agency Tony Evers Create an Office of Inspector General to serve as an independent watchdog Tony Evers Raise no taxes Tony Evers Accept federal Medicaid expansion money