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Tracking the promises of Steve AdlerMake city permitting easier
"Improve the development review and approval process by providing computerization...improved training and management, creation of Expedited Review Teams and a strong emphasis on streamlined and consolidated reviews to improve customer service."
Enact a 20 percent homestead exemption
Wants to "provide a 20 percent across-the-board tax exemption for homesteads."
Make changes at city utilities to promote affordability
"Require Austin Energy and the Austin Water Utility to initiate long-term changes in their business models that will better accommodate affordability."
Rework incentives so they reward creating middle class jobs
"Reform the policies for granting incentive subsidies to reward creation of middle class jobs, as well as training local residents for those jobs." Mayor Steve Adler also wants to allow small businesses to participate in order to incentivize growth of small businesses.
Reinstate free Capital Metro bus fares for seniors and the disabled
"I think this is something we can afford to do for some of the most challenged of our fellow Austinites. The government can be lean without being mean."
Change appraisal process
"I will also work with other local taxing authorities in the area to demand that all property is assessed fairly and at 100 percent of full market value as prescribed by state law. I will also stand prepared to initiate legal action, if necessary, to ensure this statutory requirement is met in Austin."
Limit city staff vacancies
City of Austin staff "vacancies that are funded in the budget should be limited to no more than five percent of staffing. Funding for these vacancies should be held in a centralized provisional account."
Look for surplus properties to sell
"Conduct a review of all city holdings to see if any could or should be sold. Consider using the potential revenue to pay other one-time expenses that might be incurred."
Create an education outreach coordinator
"I will create the position of Education Outreach Coordinator in the Mayor's Office. This coordinator will facilitate community focus on critical shared policies as well as programs such as those described below."
Launch a pre-kindergarten initiative
"As mayor, I will launch a pre-kindergarten initiative aimed at helping to institutionalize pre-K for three- and four-year-olds in our city as one of the Mayor's Education Outreach Coordinator's highest-priority projects."
Meet more frequently
The Austin City Council "needs to meet more often and hold additional work sessions if necessary to allow the new council greater public discussion of issues."
Devote the first 100 days to long-term issues
"Up to the first 100 days of the new Council should be devoted to framing the long-term issues."
Raise awareness of Austin's music scene with more free concerts
"There must be free, large- and small-scale, high-quality, family-friendly concerts and events that make sure great music of varying types and cultures is accessible to all."
Include Asian languages in city communications
"I believe we should expand communications support for as many Asian languages as possible, particularly languages widely used in Austin such as Mandarin, Korean, Hindi, Vietnamese and Bangla."
Ensure mayor's staff and appointments reflect the city's demographics
"Appointments to our boards and commissions, and staffing in the mayor’s office, must reflect the diverse makeup of our city."
Give each council member a day for Austin City Council to visit their district
“Every new council member should lead the entire council for a day in their district, allowing from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. They decide where we go, what we see, and who we talk with in their district."