Latest Pants on Fire! Fact-checks on Woody Degan Woody Degan stated on June 28, 2012 in in an interview with The Commercial Appeal.: Gov. Bill Haslam is "making our Economic Development department Sharia compliant" by hiring a woman "who specializes in Sharia compliance. That’s what her job is."
Woody Degan stated on June 28, 2012 in in an interview with The Commercial Appeal.: Gov. Bill Haslam is "making our Economic Development department Sharia compliant" by hiring a woman "who specializes in Sharia compliance. That’s what her job is."
Woody Degan stated on June 28, 2012 in in an interview with The Commercial Appeal.: Gov. Bill Haslam is "making our Economic Development department Sharia compliant" by hiring a woman "who specializes in Sharia compliance. That’s what her job is."