Latest Half-True Fact-checks on Peter Palumbo Peter Palumbo stated on January 22, 2013 in a news release: Driving with a dog in your lap is dangerous, in part, because it could fly forward in a crash. "An 80-pound dog at only 30 mph packs a 2,400-pound punch."
Peter Palumbo stated on January 22, 2013 in a news release: Driving with a dog in your lap is dangerous, in part, because it could fly forward in a crash. "An 80-pound dog at only 30 mph packs a 2,400-pound punch."
Peter Palumbo stated on January 22, 2013 in a news release: Driving with a dog in your lap is dangerous, in part, because it could fly forward in a crash. "An 80-pound dog at only 30 mph packs a 2,400-pound punch."